
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Soutache? Actually, why not? ;)

Well, looks like I'm back. After a couple of wasted weeks it was about time to stop wallowing in self-pity. If I am to die, heck, I will, but since it's not happening right now, there are other, better things to do. Almost too many things though, considering this little time I have left. And as if I haven't had enough ideas for bead weaving, I just had to try one more thing. Again, never say never... instead, from now on, I will keep saying: "later". ;)

Last time you could see my first attempt at bead embroidery, now it's time to see the result of the first ever battle with soutache cords. Oh well, after five long hours (the first 30 minutes was more like "hmm... now what should I do with these sneaky cords trying to escape from my fingers?") I think the beasts have been eventually tamed, as they happened to turn into a pendant. Good tiny cords, they should have been given a reward for that. ;) No reward though for keeping me up until 2 a.m. when I was supposed to go to work five hours later. ;P

Anyway, here's the pendant. I was stupid enough to choose the most contrasting colours that ever existed, so it's almost too easy to spot all the flaws in the finished piece. But as for the first one, it could have been worse. ;)

The pendant measures 6,5 x 5,5 cm (2,55 x 2,16") without the bail.

soutache pendant

soutache pendant

And one more thing before I say good bye for today. I just want to say thanks. Thank you for being with me when I needed you. Thank you for everything you have said to cheer me up. Thank you for the e-mails you have written and spending your time on talking to me. Thank you for still visiting the blog, even if it was dead for a moment.
I won't say your name here though - you should know that it is *you* I'm thanking right now. :)


  1. brawo !!!! owacja na stojąco !!!

    1. Ja owacje na stojąco dałabym za piękne dzieło :)

    2. Great job! I am so proud of you. This piece is magnificent. Live for today and do not fear the unknown. You have so much to offer this world. I am certain you will create many more bead projects. Keep smiling. An admirer :-)

  2. Piękny:)
    Ty masz złote ręce!:)i jestes:)!!!

    1. Jestem, jestem, tak łatwo nie można się mnie pozbyć. ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Tak trzymaj:)My tu jak te magnesy przyciągamy Cie z powrotem:)

  3. I am really happy that you are back!! (But I knew you would ;-)
    The pendant is beautiful! Soutache is a technique I wanted to try, but I think it is to difficult (but I guess that I never should say never....)

    1. It is difficult indeed... Even harder when two certain beasts want a bit of their fur to be sewn between the cords too. ;P But you should try it Julia, it's a great fun! :)

  4. Very happy to see your creations again! If this is your first attempt really many compliments!! It's perfectly done!!
    You have all my admirations for your mind disposition, it's the right way! Never say never...!
    A very big hug for you!

    1. Thank you Betty, it's always nice to hear such things. :) Hugs to you too! :)

  5. Nawet nie wiesz jak się cieszę, że wróciłaś i mam nadzieję, że nigdy nie już sobie nie pójdziesz. Jakbyś kiedyś poczuła chęć pogadania a nie miałabyś z kim, to i tak większość dnia jestem przed kompem więc chętnie poczatuję:)) A sutasz wyszedł profesjonalnie!

    1. Się cieszę też. ;) Dość tej depresji, do jasnej ciasnej! Trza się w garść wziąć i nie smęcić! Jeśli jednak znowu będę chciała zniknąć, liczę na kopniaka w tyłek, który powinien zadziałać otrzeźwiająco. ;)

    2. Jeśli taka terapia ci pomoże to nie omieszkam kopnąć;))

  6. Cieszę się,że wróciłaś i mam nadzieję,że już na dobre:) Sutasz jest piękny, tak jak wszystko co wpadnie w Twoje ręce :)

    1. Też mam nadzieję, że już nigdy nie wpadnie mi do głowy kasowanie tego bloga. Trzeba go będzie zostawić dla potomnych. ;)
      A za miłe słowa najserdeczniej dziękuję. :)

  7. Jeśli to Twoja pierwsza próba to chylę czoła! ja też zaczynam w tej dziedzinie więc wiem jak to jest :) i powodzonka!

    1. Pierwsza, ale nie ostatnia, to efektowna technika i wciąga bardzo! Dziękuję i pozdrawiam. :)

  8. Wow - perfect!

    Sunny regards

  9. E' un gioiello stupendo, nella manifattura, nei colori, nella forma!!
    Brava!!! Continua!!!!

  10. Sei davvero molto brava,complimenti per i tuoi bellissimi lavori
    Un abbraccio forte

  11. Hello, I discovered thanks to her friend Lucia (Lufantasygioie).
    You are a wonderful person, a true artist!
    Many congratulations, see you soon.

    1. I wish I could be called an artist some day, but for now I still have *a lot* to learn. But thank you very much for such nice words. :)


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