
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spiky Flower - beaded pendant

Finally! The pictures for the pendant were taken some time ago, and yet I just couldn't find enough time to write the post and show it to you. In the meantime though I prepared a tutorial how to make it, then made another spiky pendant... and another one... but today there's only the spiky flower for you to see. ;)

Spiky Flower was made with 8mm spike beads (of course!), 3mm fire polished beads and Toho seed beads size 11/o and 15/o... it is quite small, as it measures only 3,5 cm (1,38") in diameter.

The pattern can be found here and here.

spike beads pattern
spike beads pattern

spike beads pattern

spike beads pattern

In the next blog entry - The Sting. So stay tuned. ;)


  1. Jesteś kopalnią pomysłów:) Super wygląda taki najeżony wisiorek:)

  2. Kłaniam się w pas w podziękowaniach. ;)

  3. Ale super kolczasto-najeżony wisiorek :). Genialny! Te kolce mają w sobie coś fascynującego. Świetnie je wykorzystałaś:)


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